Battery storage

HISbatt battery storage systems ensure stable energy flows and high availability - even under demanding conditions.
Can be used flexibly for peak load management, grid stabilisation or as a backup solution - regardless of the energy source.
With optimised technology for maximum storage capacity and minimum energy loss, ideal for industrial and commercial applications.
"Our battery storage systems combine technical innovation with economic benefits. We create real added value for our customers - from self-consumption optimisation to intelligent load management."
For every system size - from small to large.
Maximum memory utilisation, minimum losses.
For grid, backup and peak load.
Integrated fire protection and monitoring.
Durable and environmentally friendly.
Compatible with new and existing systems.
From ideas to solutions - success stories that make a difference.
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What is Peak Shaving?
Peak shaving, also known as peak load capping, refers to the reduction of peak loads in electricity consumption, which can cause significant costs, especially for large industrial consumers. These peaks can be reduced by using commercial storage systems by supplementing the power supply during peak load times with the energy stored in battery storage systems.

IW Casting Cleaning Increases Profit
IW Gussputz, a well-known metalworking company near Darmstadt, was faced with rising production costs due to its high energy requirements. As electricity prices rose, so did operating costs, so a way had to be found to ensure stable and predictable energy prices in the long term.
Intelligent energy needs strong connections
Maximieren Sie das Potenzial Ihres Batteriespeichers durch perfekt abgestimmte HIS Energy Lösungen: Unser intelligentes Energiemanagementsystem (HISems) optimiert Ihre Energieflüsse in Echtzeit, während unsere Ladelösungen (EVtap) die Brücke zur E-Mobilität schlagen. Gemeinsam bilden sie ein zukunftssicheres Energiesystem aus einer Hand.
"Good connections start with the first contact. When can we get to know you?"
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